Purposeful - Monday's diary

Being purposeful is what set a man at the peak of his game . Haven known your intent, of what and why you're doing what you do, helps you to be conscious of timing and not shooting aimlessly.

A number of times, when people are asked, why they do what they do?  Was it the perfect time for it? Why in that relationship? Why do they find themselves around certain people? Why do they take the direction they're currently moving on? You find them stutter or give you funny reasons. 

There are three things you should have in mind before venturing into any relationship, business or taking any step, they are:

1)Your Objective (2) The timing (3)The result 

Your_Objective: A man who has no destination will walk aimlessly and fall into an ambush.  Before taking up that decision or making someone a part of your life story, as a friend , business or life partner, your intent first is what matters, then your aim,if it's determined as a result of Self-pity,guilt, fear, pride and pressure, then you're bound to fail. Before you say 'yes I do' , walk up to that fellow to make a friend, go into any relationship, start up that business or take decisions,  you should have a good objective or aim, irrespective of what you feel or people say. Your objective determines the RESULT 

The_timing: Don't be so conscious of 'Time' that you run instead of walking and calculating when to run, I know this seems quite complicated, but be conscious of 'the' time . There's time for everything , the race isn't for the swift, don't be moved by what people say or who's ahead of you, plan and work,strategies yourself with the perfect giving time or opportunity  allocated to you. When you understand timing, you will know the appropriate time 0to shoot and hit the target,then purpose yields result. 

The_Result: The end product of everything is the most essential consideration in any venture. What's your result for that purpose?  Who will it benefit?  Will it be of mutual benefit?  Do I stand to gain or lose?  Does this affect me negatively or positively?  Will this take me off balance?. Know what you stand to get , it helps you to stay or off focus. 

All this enables you to live purposefully in life and achieve goals. 

Find purpose in whatever you do, Be Objective, understand timing and yield good result.

Thanks for reading Monday's diary on doratales ,next edition will be awesome.You can like,drop your comments to how our articles has inspired you, share with friends also and don't forget to subscribe and follow our page. 


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