AT EIGHEEN - Teenage story

  Mum was just speechless when we got the report from the doctor, I could see the agony of a bitter woman who birth, breast feed and nursed her baby, never realizing one day, that baby would be the reason for her shame and pains. I couldn't even take a stare at her face,talk more of ,to say a word, I felt as if the world was crumbling on me,how I wish the ground  would open and swallow me. Few days back I had celebrated my eighteenth birth anniversary and Dad was just ordained a deacon in church.All this celebration happened in same week,but the whole joy of the family was smashed after the incident at the hospital.

  "Imagine the disgrace , imagine the shame, at eighteen!!! ,I have always told you to put an eye on this girl, but you wouldn't, now you see!!, I'm not with both of you in this mess, you two will have to face it alone, I'm out!! ",that was what dad kept saying,shouting and blaming mum as we left the hospital premises,while he got into his car,left us behind and drove away, I felt like never going home again. I and mum stood at the major road,under the heat of the sun waiting for a cab, for some minutes I noticed about five cabs had passed by without passengers in them, "was she not ready to go home " I thought, I decided to lift up my head which has been down since we left the doctor's office, to look at face of my mum, I saw tears dropping from her eyes, I knew those tears weren't from her eyes, they were from her heart, I could see her bleeding heart through her eyes. For a long time in my life I have never seen mum cry this way. I knew it was a tears of a broken heart. I wouldn't mind sleeping on the high way,since I felt my life was miserable, but I would not let mum sleep outside, I LOVE her. In my tiny  innocent voice, I called her, "Mummy aren't we going home? Should I stop a cab for us?" , she turned looked at me, and there came that drop of tears from her eyes to my hands,  I almost died.

  Dad was a well respected man, an elder and deacon in church, he has always been a disciplinarian, a man who keeps to his word and will never tolerate nonsense , he wouldn't let his ego fall to the ground.
"How do I explain this to the church? " "Where's the face to speak to the congregation? " "how do I stand in the midst of my fellow elders? " , all these he muttered . Mum quietly entered the house, while I stood outside waiting for hell.
"Woman!! Go and call that spoilt brat of a daughter" "Daniella!!"
"Yes daddy" I echoed. My heart was beating like the feet of marching soldiers going for war,I could feel the impulse,my eyes were red already, I was sweating and my feet cold at same time, my spirit was already resting in hell, while my body lie waiting for my parents judgement.
"Daniella!! You better answer every question I ask you, and don't think of wasting my time, as you've already ruin my day and my entire life as well", those words sank into my head and pierced through my heart like a tiny needle.
"Who, how, where and when did you get yourself into this mess, I mean who and how manage did you get pregnant?!!! ".
I stutter as I opened my mouth to speak,just immediately my two junior siblings, Josephine and Aaron returned from school,
"Mummy why is Daniella kneeling down, why are all of you crying?" Josephine asked. There came no reply, as mum took the both of them inside and dad said "Daniella, go to your bedroom, we will revisit your matter latter ". I left the siting room to my room, slammed the door, knelt down and probably said my last prayer.

12:45 am
    I heard a knock on my door, I wasn't even sleeping, I was ready to face the situation and the consequences. Dad had to put on light, my eyes became clear when I saw on his hand, on the right his belt and on the left a cane, mum stood by the door, inclining her body on it,with her arms fold .
"Daniella,why have you decided to bring me shame,despite I and your mother's effort to give you the best upbringing, we took you to church all the time,gave you quality education...... But why?!!! .Only if they heard knew taking me to church wasn't everything, the church preach, the 'do and don'ts', but shy away to talk about our emotional life. "Who is that bastard responsible for this!!, who has no fear for God and me?, you better talk now before I hit you this in my hand",he asked.
"Issssss...... Is Ben" I stutter
"Which Ben? " he asked
"The one who lives Oopposite the house"
"Ah...... Ahaaaa, I'm finished, that flirt, a cultist!!!!" mum exclaimed.
Dad did not wait for another word, he rushed me immediately and tore me to pieces with his belt as mum try to stop him. I cried out, but it seems as tho heaven was not ready to pay attention to my cry, my sin was huge to be rescued from. Dad and mum left my room in pains. The next Saturday morning, I could hear the sound of people running and gun shots in the street, after some minute I went to see what had happened, I saw a pool of blood on the road, someone was just shot, the crowd was much so I could not see the face clearly, I took a glance at the body again as I went closer, "Ben"!!!! I screamed, I ran to hold his body as people restrainted me, I yelled and dragged myself on the floor,everyone stared at me in amazement, I probably was the only one crying over his death, while others shook their heads. Ben has been a notorious guy in the neighborhood, I was only attracted by his physical physique and kind gestures he displays at times, despite being a bad guy. I and Ben, tho had not gone a long way, my first night at his house got me into this mess. I was never the bad child, I grew up knowing my values as a girl but  my teen age was playing on me, I gave heed to my emotions  rather than my head .it was all a mistake, but it's so unfortunate that the father of my baby is dead .....(sobs). I felt emotionally down after all had happened, I was just eighteen but it seem the entire world had rejected and hated me,  even my parents ,I was all alone to fight. The trauma I faced was enough to take me six feet below the ground.

  I was denied food at times at home, I would eat the remains of my younger ones,all these my parents did as a form of discipline, in a bid to pay back for the shame I brought to the family and perhaps the body of Christ, but No!!, they took the wrong step. It got to the point I couldn't endure any of these,the starvation,rejection,trauma and pains , so I ran far away from home with my pregnancy, I had no direction or clue of where I was going to, I needed help at the moment. Under bridges ,abandoned houses and cars became my abode, I begged for alms each day with my obvious pitiable condition to eat and change my wears,people gave alms and cloths to me. The street became my home, I was lured by some girls I met on the street to join prostitution,only on that condition would they help, despite being pregnant at wedlock, I still got my values, and respect for my body, so I declined their offer.

  Back to the street, I was walking down a street, looking rough and frustrated, when I saw a patched bowl ,I immediately picked it and crossed over to a house where I saw hawkers buying pure water to sell. As I got to the vendor, I greeted her, stretched my hand to give her my last hundred naira note I had, she refused accepting it, but stared at me from my head to toe. I didn't know she had saw me earlier picking that bowl.
"Where did you get this bowl from" ,she asked
"I picked it across" I replied. "where do you stay ". "I have no home" I stutter. She paused, took a close glance at me and my belle. I spend the night at her house,after I narrated my ordeal to her, she was moved, she welcomed me to her home,clothed and gave me food to eat. Miss Margret,is a secondary school teacher and counsellor,also a girl child activist. She had narrated her story of how she was raised in an environment were sexual abuse of young girls was the thing of the day, she was brave to fight her way out of her odds. For that reason she  stood on her ground to fight for every girl child ,I saw the passion and love in her. I lived with Miss margret till my pregnancy was five months old, she counselled me and inspired me through many ways, that I was able to come out of my trauma ,at first I thought she was a certified psychologist not until I found out it was an in-built gift.

   Miss margret nursed, educated and took care of me until I gave birth. She made me go sit for an exam to enroll into the university,i got admitted. She saw me through school despite being a single lady, it wasn't easy tho, but I prayed each day for God to bless her with the best husband. I graduated with a second Class upper and after my nysc I got a job immediately, " heaven decided to hear my cry now" I thought as much. I made a promise to myself that I would make her proud and take her children as mine,give them the best education and make life a meaning for them, but it was so unfortunate that  two years later miss margret slept and never woke up again,she died a spinster . I cried my whole life out, I questioned God for so many things ,not until I got the reply ........."Every human is just a pilgrim sent on a purpose here on earth, it's meant for us to find out that purpose, live that purpose and fulfill purpose " , I guess miss margret purpose was accomplished before she left, perhaps I was her final destination on earth . I pledged to live on her name. So I brought up 'MARGRET FOUNDATION' ,as a means to reach out to every girl child, that despite what the society or religion see us as ,we shouldn't limit ourselves by that, but see ourselves through the eyes of Christ (Eternal love) and fight through every circumstance and come out strong.

Here's my story At Eighteen...........
*Drops pen*

Fiction Story by DorA


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