I always hear people talk about him, from my parents and outside home too,hmmm he seems to be the nice guy since every one talks about him, I wondered, was he a kind of unique being, special from the rest ?.As I a child then I managed to know him, yea I got acquitted with him, I never knew him that much but every moment with him was so sweet, but funny enough because I never knew where he lived, so we only met only on Sundays in church. Growing up with him as a child was fun and  awesome,he was my closet pal, my companion, my best friend but so funny I never realized that, so strange!!! ,he taught me so many things, showed me wonderful  things and places.
    While I turned a teen,i could feel a coldness in our relationship,was who's fault? I or him? it broke my heart, so i sought for a closer and better relationship, I needed someone to fill that space, I needed someone to love me, I needed someone to look into my eyes and wipe those tears running down my cheek with a kiss, I needed someone to stay by me each night while I sleep like the angel I am,the feelings and emotions surrounding my teen age was dancing in me but I couldn't get the right person to dance rightly to its tune. Sure I met and crushed on many, but to no avail,still wasn't getting the dance steps correctly. There again I still found him, ohh, my childhood friend!!!!,but I aren't a child any longer am a teen.Right there he held me by my hands, and hold me tight to himself,looked straight into my eye I could see the sincerity in him, his eyes was so bright, like the shinning stars at night, his face so glow like the sun, and he said to me "I love you" ohhh my!!!! I saw true love in him, I wasn't cajoled to fall in love with him, my heart, soul and spirit systematically adjusted to his love.
The journey of love began,tho wasn't easy I was isolated and criticized by friends for deeply falling in love with him that much, I was so madly in love, I could restrict myself from many things just to make him smile, I know you're gonna say "maybe she's insane",yes I was crazy for him, I would spend many times on a date with him.
Later grew to the lady I am, I sure needed someone to satisfy my emotional life.So I longed for a romantic relationship.Because he so loved me that he could sacrifices anything to see that am satisfied, we didn't end our relationship tho but he gave me out to his twin brother to help my emotional life. There it goes, so crazy to be in love with two people,hmm but I never thought of that while I enjoyed myself,with exciting romantic moments with his twin brother. Yes I was in love.
Wooow now I've got the best companion, friend and romantic partner.
Funny enough they are on facebook but don't have an account, so I can't tag them, but guess his name



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