Written by W.N V incent Have you ever watched the video of a love song? I mean a clean video with really great lyric? What were your thoughts? The other day I was going through the WhatsApp statuses of people on my contact list. Just then, I came across a video on the status of Mr. Luis. It was a love song sung by a white guy. I used ‘White’ because I don’t know the singer or where he comes from. I only know his skin color and accent put him in that category. I hope I’m not being racist. I can’t remember the lyrics of the song, but what I can’t forget is how his every action showed that he loved and cared for the lady he was singing to. It was so lovely that I slipped into Mr. Luis’ DM (direct message) and said to him, “These people sure know how to be romantic. When you watch them express love, you just love it and you just want to get into a relationship quickly”. He said it was because they used the simple things around to express love...